Karen Webb Photography

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In-home newborn family photography - Albury-Wodonga Lifestyle Photographer

So, I had GRAND plans of blogging every photo session as I did them.

That hasn't happened.

Then I was going to blog every session in order, slowly making my way through my sessions.

That hasn't happened.

Then I realised that it's been literally MONTHS since my last blog and I should probably just write something. So, rather than dwell on the fact that I haven't been keeping my promise to myself, I just decided to blog my latest in-home session. Because, well I'm in LOVE with these photos and I just have to share. So out with the chronological order and in with these photos!

Want to know my favourite thing about in-home photos? It's not snuggling with a brand new baby. Though that is pretty fun. And it's not seeing parents love and learn all over again. Though I also love that part. It's that every single home is different. Every single family is different. Every day the light is different. And I love being challenged to think on the spot. I walk into a room and I notice how the light is hitting the wall, or how the car parked outside is shining a weird colour through the window, or how the light looks as it's coming through some blinds. I'm still learning every day how to best use the available light in each house, and I think that's something I'm never going to stop learning.

One of the great things about living in the Albury-Wodonga area is the sheer number of different types of houses and different areas. Some with views. Some not. Some are brand new, only months old, bright and shiny with huge windows. Some are almost a hundred years old, with gorgeous dark, moody rooms and intricate window designs. And there is everything else in between.

One statement I hear over and over again "my house isn't photo worthy, like all those other houses you take photos in'. Guess what? Almost everyone who has booked with me as told me that. And almost every house is photo worthy and do you know why? Because that's YOUR house. That's where YOU live. With your family. And that's where your MEMORIES are made - between those walls. Not every house is worthy of a Vogue Living double spread - I know mine isn't!! But I still love my quirky house, and I'm so glad that I've got hundreds of photos of my family taken within it's wonky walls. Because one day we won't live here anymore, or we'll end up renovating and I want those memories kept and I want my girls to remember this house. 

So if you've been contemplating booking an in-home session but you're just not sure - ask me! I'm more than happy to pop over and take a look and let you know if I think it'll work. I've never met a house yet I haven't been able to photograph in!!

And you don't have to have a brand new baby to book an in-home session either!! And as an added bonus, if your session is in the morning, I arrive with coffee...!