How to get the best out of your family photos - PART 1
So, you’ve finally booked yourself in for some family photos. Yay! But now you’re a little scared, it’s a big investment and you’re worried that it might just all go to sh*t and there’s not one photo that you actually like?
What the hell do I wear?
Where do we do them?
What if my kids misbehave and I’m embarrassed and feel judged as a parent?
Part 1 of this blog is some info to know BEFORE heading out for photos.
1. Where should we do the photos?
We are spoilt for choice in Albury-Wodonga and the North East. And across Australia in general (if you’ve booked me from afar). As much as a hill top sunset photo is beautiful, there is another option, much closer to home.
At home!
Have you considered doing your photos at home? After all, this is the place that really does have heartfelt meaning to you. And in years to come, the sunset photos are lovely, but imagine being able to look back at photos taken in your own house and backyard. In-home photos are not purely reserved for newborns. You also have the added benefit of being able to take them pretty much any time of the day, morning, midday, afternoon. You don’t have to wait around all day for a sunset. And in any weather. Freezing rain, or stinking hot summer.
Why not chose to do your photos at home? Pets, picnics and backyard fires roasting marshmallows all welcome!
2. What to wear?
Ahh, the age old question, now I’ve booked what the hell do I wear?
I wrote a blog about it you can find it here. But the general rule of thumb, is to wear something comfortable but tidy.
As much as black is a very comforting colour to wear (hiding all manner of mum-tums we sometimes wish we didn’t have), it really doesn’t photography the best. You tend to disappear into the shadows. We really don’t want you disappearing into the shadows.
3. Prepping kids (and adults too)
We all know that kids tend to run to their own agenda. And the more we want them to be well rested before a session, Murphy’s Law states that they won’t…
I can almost guarantee that they’ll choose THIS day to NOT have a day sleep, or they’ll fall asleep too early/too late/in the car on the way to the session. It doesn’t make it any easier for you, but rest assured, you’re not the only one, and I’ve got some experience here.
And you’ve got a newborn? They’ve been sleeping quite well? There’s a fair chance they’ll pick the night before our session to decide NOT to sleep.
Easier said than done, but try not to let this get you too stressed. I’ve worked with tired, grumpy kids, adults who are sleep deprived, and newborns who won’t settle. I am not going to judge you. I’ve got lots of experience here, so take a breathe, have a sip of coffee and we’ll get through it.
In saying that, if it’s possible to try to have everyone as well rested as possible then that’s a win. So maybe that means not scheduling photos in after a big weekend, where everyone’s a bit worn out. Or trying to get your toddler who is weaning off day sleeps, to have a little kip.
And make sure everyone is well fed.
Newborns, kids and adults. Making sure tummies are full can go a long way towards making the session flow a lot smoother. I know I definitely get hangry, so don’t forget about yourself.
However, can I please, please, please ask that you don’t fill the tummies up with sugar BEFORE or DURING the session? Sugared kids are hyper kids, and hyper kids don’t tend to want to listen very well. Or stay still for very long. Which makes my job that little bit harder,. Remember, you’ve paid for these photos, and you want the best that we can get.
Feel free to use food as a reward AFTER the session, and if you have to give them some food during the session, perhaps choose something that doesn’t require a full face clean! More on this in the next blog - how to get the best from your session Part 2.
I’m not going to go all healthy diet and preachy on you, but keeping sugared treats until AFTER the session can help a lot!
4. Hair and Makeup
This is purely a personal choice. Some people love the excuse to get pampered and get all the hairs and all the makeups done. Others opt for DIY, some (aka me) go au naturel. There is no right or wrong, or best or worst. These photos are a representation of you. If you never wear makeup, don’t feel like you have to get yours done.
Just keep eye on the weather (if photos are outside). A full face of makeup on a stinking hot Albury day can be a little unpleasant. And wearing your hair down on the windiest day of the year, although make for lovely wind swept photos, can leave you spending the whole session swiping it out of your face.